Pharmacy Launches a Free Therapy Service for all Refugees in Need

4 mins

Action for Humanity always have a way to pull at our heartstrings! They’ve only gone and don...

Hannah Hemsley

By Hannah Hemsley

Action for Humanity always have a way to pull at our heartstrings! They’ve only gone and done it again.

A Manchester Pharmacy has opened its doors to a Action for Humanity therapist to work free of charge to refugees in the community. This scheme started as of the 9th of May and the purpose is to support refugees who are currently suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other traumas.

The Pharmacy owner gave a speech at the opening :

“Refugees who flee to the UK often have limited access to healthcare, with a reliance upon an already overstretched NHS. Many do not have NHS numbers and those who do still face delays in treatment, which results in a further decline in mental health, with the launch of The Refugee Wellness Project, what we will do is [give refugees access to] therapists who are qualified and experienced in this area to provide free one-to-one therapy for these people right within our premises at no cost,”

The Pharmacy and Action for Humanity are now urging Therapists to step forward and help support the services provided to the community.

Action for Humanity is a charity who is dedicated to providing support and care for anyone who is impacted by natural or man-made disasters. They always urge anyone who would be interested to volunteer their services or donate any amount.

Make sure to check out Action Against Humanities website to stay posted with their events, donate or volunteer.