Quad News 2023- Meet Harry

2 mins

May has brought some excitement to the office on the welcoming of THREE newbies! We love wel...

Hannah Hemsley

By Hannah Hemsley

May has brought some excitement to the office on the welcoming of THREE newbies! We love welcoming new team members as they can often bring a fresh outlook and a new skillset.

Firstly we'd love to introduce you to Harry Broadhurst- a previous Pharmacy Manager with buckets of valuable knowledge and previous experience on the opposite end of our process. We're really looking forward to see him progress and grow with us in the future.

Harry like all our other recruits has completed a Q&A which should also give you buckets of information on him. Alternatively, if you're a Pharmacy professional seeking opportunities in the West Midlands, you can reach him by the following means...

T: 01244 621477

E: Harry.Broadhurst@quadrecruitment.com

Please Meet Harry.....

What made you choose recruitment?

After working in a community pharmacy for two years as a dispenser and then two years as a manager it was hard not to fall in love with the industry, unfortunately my time came to a forced end, and I was made redundant. Choosing recruitment within the pharmacy sector specifically was a no brainer, it has given me an opportunity to work in an exciting new sector whilst staying close to the one I love.

What do you love the most about working in the UK pharmacy market so far?

I love working with people that are truly passionate about what they do, also I thrive when working in a fast paced environment so that definitely goes in my favour working in this market.

What’s your favourite quote?

“Three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth”

Tell me something interesting about yourself?

I have played in four national finals and two international tournaments in Spain with my old hockey teams.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I enjoy going to the gym and bouldering, also wild camping so basically anything outdoors really. Following on from that, I enjoy reading and spending time going out and spending time with my family. Also, I like to read and collect old vintage literature. 

If you could only have one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Ribeye steak, because when cooked right, you just can’t beat it.

Before working at Quad Recruitment, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

In my preceding job I worked as a pharmacy manager, this was really interesting as I has no previous background in pharmacy, so it was all completely new to me and it was extremely interesting and engaging when dealing with customers and learning about medications and pharmacy processes.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?

Justin Timberlake

What’s your go-to drink?

Apple and Mango juice

What are you most looking forward to over the next year at Quad Recruitment?

I look forward to seeing what I am capable of within this new sector and seeing the kind of career that is available to me.

​Keep your eyes on our socials over the coming days where you'll get to meet another of our newest recruits.....